
lundi 25 février 2013


                                                      AH......LES BONNES AFFAIRES

                                                       Chouette, les soldes sont arrivées !

                                               Auparavant, elles célébraient la fin d'une saison,

                                             De nos jours, ce sont-elles qui datent l'hiver ou l'été.

                                          Il y a peu, je partais en vacances avec un petit baluchon ;

                                               Maintenant, j'emmène une garde robe complète

                                            De vêtements trop longs, trop grands ou trop petits,

                                                Tous  arrachés de haute lutte à la compagnie !

                                               Je me mets en villégiature ruinée mais satisfaite.

                                              Je passe d'une démarque à une autre, sans envie

                                            Car des échéances commerciales ponctuent ma vie :

                                               Au mois de juillet, la rentrée scolaire des enfants

                                            En octobre, les cadeaux de Noël avec les autres parents

                                         Fin novembre, je pense Épiphanie, fève et galette des rois

                                             Début janvier, les soldes d'hiver me tendent les bras

                                              Et enfin en février, je prépare les fêtes de Pâques

                                           En collectant oeufs, poules, cloches ou fritures en vrac

                                                    Pour savoir où je me situe dans l'année ?

                                               Sans plus attendre, je rejoins mon hypermarché,

                                              Je parcours les allées et visionne les rayonnages.

                                               Mon existence demeure en perpétuel décalage

                                                     Toujours un regard porté sur l'avenir

                                                      C'est ainsi que j'ai appris à devenir.


                                                         AH ...... GOOD DEALS

                                                 Good news, the sales have arrived!

                                           Previously, they celebrated the end of a season,

                                          Nowadays, they are dating the winter or summer.

                                        Not long ago, I went on holiday with a small bundle;

                                                     Now, I take a complete dressing

                                                  Clothes too long, too big or too small

                                           All torn off with combativeness at the company!

                                                 I'm on my vacation ruined but satisfied.

                                           I spend of a mark-down to another, without envy

                                           Because commercial maturities punctuate my life

                                                     In July, the school children back

                                             In October, Christmas gifts with other parents

                                       In late November, I think Twelfth-Night cake and bean

                                         In early January, the winter sales are waiting for me       

                                          And finally in February, I prepare Easter festivities

                                     Collecting eggs, chickens, bells in chocolate or fried bulk

                                                   To know where I am in the year?

                                            Without further delay I join my hypermarket

                                           I walk the paths and viewing the department.

                                                     My life remains constant gap

                                                  Always a worn look to the future

                                                   This is how I learned to become.

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