
jeudi 7 février 2013


                                                 QUELLE PAGAILLE !

                                  De toutes parts, on entend clamer : "votez,

                                   Agissez et prenez en mains votre avenir.

                                  Vous n'avez pas le droit de vous abstenir,

                               La liberté de vote est le combat de nos aînés ".

                                (Ce fut, en effet, une bonne et rude bataille

                               Dont,malheureusement, certains tirent ripaille.)

                                 La bonne idée, à l'unisson nous y avons cru

                               Car nous voilà tous ensemble trompés, spoliés.

                                     "Aux urnes" vocifèrent nos chers élus

                                       Puisqu'à date fixée par le calendrier

                                          Il convient de remettre la table

                                          Dans une démocratie véritable.

                                         Mais qu'en est-il de leur mandat,

                                 De leur propagande : " en veux-tu, en voilà",

                                          Toutes ces magnifiques tirades

                                        Qui nous font croire à leur parade.

                                     Oubliées, les merveilleuses promesses

                                Qui rendent si tristes les lendemains de liesse,

                                    Lorsqu'en ramassant les papiers gras,

                                On s'aperçoit que de n'y a pas.

                                 Les problèmes demeurent inexorablement là

                                           Toujours traités au cas par cas.

                                 Qu'importe, nous en avons repris pour 5 ans :

                                    D'attentes fébriles, en amères déceptions

                             La mémoire en oubli, nous grignotons patiemment

                            La distance qui nous sépare de la prochaine élection.


                                                  WHAT A MESS!

                                      On all sides we hear proclaim: "vote,

                                    Act now and take in hands your future.

                                       You do not have the right to abstain

                                The freedom to vote is the fight of our elders. "

                                 (This was, indeed, a good and hard battle

                               Of which, unfortunately, some derive feast.)

                                  Good idea, in unison we believed in it

                              Because we are all together deceived, despoiled.

                                "At ballot boxes" vociferate our dear elected

                                         Because at the calendar date

                                        It should to put back the table

                                             In a true democracy.

                                        But what about their mandate,

                               Their propaganda: "do you want it,, here it is"

                                      All these magnificent soliloquies

                                    That persuaded us of their parade.

                                     Forgotten the wonderful promises

                              That make so sad the days following of jubilation,

                                     When picking up the greasy papers,

                                   We realize that program .... there is not.

                                      Problems remain inexorably there

                                         Always treated case by case.

                                   Whatever, we have taken up for 5 years:

                               Of febrile expectations in bitter disappointment

                                    Memory in oblivion, we nibble patiently

                            The distance that separates us from the next election.

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